Financial Competence Assessment Inventory
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What makes the FCAI different to other tests?
A. It is the only objective, norm referenced, standardised test of financial competence available in Australia to date.
Q. Can the FCAI only be administered by psychologists?
A. The FCAI can be administered by clinicians and non-clinicians. However, it must be scored and interpreted by a professional with a graduate degree and specific training in interpretation of individually administered tests.
Q. How long does it take to administer the FCAI?
A. Because some experts believe that setting time limits for completing an assessment is biasing against many groups, the FCAI is untimed. Therefore, administration time for the six subscales of the FCAI will vary according to the particular individual being assessed, but will usually range between twenty to twenty-five minutes.
Q. Is the FCAI suitable for use with older adults?
A. The FCAI was developed for use with people 18 years of age and older. Norms are provided for people without cognitive impairment (age range 20 – 82 years) and norms are provided for people with acquired brain injury, schizophrenia, dementia, and intellectual disability.
Q. How much does the test cost?
A. The complete kit, includes the FCAI manual, response forms, profile sheets, and testing materials. For pricing refer to 'Shopping Cart'